February Updates

February Updates

Hi all, another little update on what we plan to do for the following month.

Thank you again to all our amazing customers, we've had another unexpected record breaking month and we'd just like to say we really appreciate all of your support and custom.

As it's been such a busy month we've prioritised our time building up our stock to help fulfil orders quicker. We also have 3 of our trays currently in production and I hope to have those available soon.

As soon as we're able to we'd like start working on some new products including another design of our ottoman trays and also a potential more luxury coat rack with multiple layers of routed wood. Check back to see our progress on our new items. We're also testing and making plans to improve the hooks we offer on our products to improve the quality and value.

As always thank you for your support and if there's anything we could help with, please get in touch.


Helu Wood

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